Copier & printer leasing 5 years or 3 years?

I am writing this again because I feel it is important for the copier customer to understand.

I have been in the office equipment business for over 30 years and have owned my company for over 27 years. I started out as a technician, then service manager, and now owner.

But enough about me, I am here to help you, the potential copier lessee customer

I wrote about leasing copiers over ten years ago, the do’s and the dont’s and the pros & the cons.

I especially highly recommended doing 3 years leases over 5 year leases for many reasons.

Copier salesmen read my blogs and did not like what I was posting because I exposed the truth, I was genuine and wanted to help out the customer, especially young business owners who are just starting out and who have never leased a copier before.

This is the reason for updating and re-blogging this.

Never go into a 5 year lease, the copier salesman will push for this, they want to lock you in for 5 years and trust me, by the 4th year, you will be itching to get out of that lease and into a new machine.

5 year leases only benefit the greedy salesman and the company they work for.

Here is a few reasons not to do more than a 3 year copier lease.

  1. With the way technology changes and advances and especially with office equipment, why wait for 5 years for this?
  2. What if you do not like the machine you leased and want another?
  3. What if you don’t like your service provider or something goes wrong with your relationship with the dealer who sold you the copier?
  4. What happens if you do no like the leasing company who is leasing the copier to you?
  5. What happens if the copier company goes out of business?

These are some serious things to consider and the bottom line is that the copier salesman is in it for them selves and could care a less about giving you the best advice that will benefit YOU.

Thanks for reading my updated blog on leases, 3 year vs 5year and the bottom line is, and as I said over 15 years ago, 5 year leases are 2 years way too long!

My name is Phil and I am the owner of PJD Business machines.

“After the sale, its the service that counts”

516 785-3299
